School Holiday Safety Support

The holiday season is a joyful time of year, but it’s also a time of year when you need to be extra-cautious when out and about with your child. These holiday tips will help parents ensure that their children stay protected and have a healthy holiday season.

​For our YP and Leavers here is some information to keep themselves safe when out with their peers.

By clicking on the appropriate logo, you will be taken straight to the advice page.

Canal & River Trust

The waterways are wonderful places to take children, they can hunt for bugs, see how historic locks work, spot wildlife and enjoy boat rides. But it’s very important they learn about staying safe next to the water as part of their visit.


Cycle Safety

Helpful tips and advice for cyclists and drivers


Teaching Road Safety: A Guide for Parents and Carers

NHS – Suncream and sun safety

Advice for adults and children on sunscreen and sun safety in the UK and abroad.


Don’t learn safety by accident

We manage Britain’s busiest and biggest stations. We work hard to keep passengers travelling through our stations safe – we want everyone home safe every day.


Underage drinking puts children and young people at increased risk of harm. Get the facts you need, from the law to how to talk about alcohol.

Everyone should feel safe to enjoy themselves without worrying about being spiked and nine out of ten people do, but surveys show that one in 10 young adults think they have had their drink spiked, so stay aware – for your friends too The drugs used for spiking don’t smell or taste either, so many people don’t realise their drink has been spiked until later.

The Mix

Support for drink spiking

Swim Safe

Get children aged 7–14 ready for safe swimming in open water with Swim England and the RNLI’s free water safety sessions. Swim Safe takes place every summer at inland and coastal sites throughout the UK.