Addiction Support

Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.

Addiction is most commonly associated with gambling, drugs, alcohol and smoking, but it’s possible to be addicted to just about anything, including:

  • work
  • internet 
  • solvents 
  • shopping

By clicking on the appropriate logo, you will be taken straight to the advice page.

Turning Point

We offer you or a loved one a range of services depending on what you need, from detox and residential rehab to supported living and aftercare support.

Turning Point formally supports the Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse quality standard (QS188), endorsed by NHS England and also supported by Public Health England.

Derbyshire Recovery Partnership

Our services are tailored to your needs. During your first appointment we will complete a thorough assessment of your immediate and on going needs, tailoring your care package to meet your life and your aspirations.

You will be assigned a trained and skilled Recovery Coach who will help you navigate your way over the coming months. Our aim is to help you improve your health and wellbeing, supporting you and your family until you are able to leave the service, happily independent.

Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service

Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service provides advice, support and treatment to help people make positive changes in their drug or alcohol use. The service is provided jointly by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Phoenix Futures and Aquarius.

NHS Breakout

Breakout is the young persons’ drug and alcohol service for Derby. If you are under 18 and your drug or alcohol use is worrying you or causing problems, Breakout can help. 

  • The Breakout team provides:
  • Treatment and support: we can create a support or treatment package based on you and one that fits in with your lifestyle.
  • One-to-one support.
  • Detox programs: if you need help coming off a drug or alcohol we can help you to come off it.
  • Work on coping mechanisms: we can help you to find other ways to cope rather than taking drugs when bad things happen.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Millions of men and women have heard or read about the unique Fellowship called Alcoholics Anonymous since its founding in 1935. Of these, more than 2 million now call themselves members. People who once drank to excess, they finally acknowledged that they could not handle alcohol, and now live a new way of life without it.


GamCare is the leading provider of information, advice and support for anyone affected by  gambling harms. We operate the National Gambling Helpline, provide treatment for anyone who is harmed by gambling, create awareness about safer gambling and treatment, and encourage an effective approach to safer gambling within the gambling industry. GamCare was founded in 1997 by Paul Bellringer.

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have joined together to do something about their own gambling problem and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same.


We are a charity with services across the Midlands, supporting people affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling.

We have over 40 years’ experience providing evidence-based, high quality services to help change behaviour and change lives.

UK Rehab

Welcome to UK Rehab – your source of drug and alcohol rehab information. We find you the most appropriate addiction treatment in London, across the UK and worldwide. If you or someone you know has a problem with drug or alcohol dependence, or any form of substance abusecontact us today.

Our addiction service is completely confidential.


FRANK is a national anti-drug advisory service jointly established by the Department of Health and Home Office of the British government in 2003. It is intended to reduce the use of both legal and illegal drugs by educating teenagers and adolescents about the potential effects of drugs. It has run many media campaigns on television, radio, and the internet.

Sex Addicts Anonymous

Our primary purpose is to stop our addictive sexual behaviour and to help others recover from sexual addiction. Recovery was possible for most of us only when we accepted the fact that we were powerless over our addictive sexual behaviour and that we were incapable of changing without help from outside ourselves.


Sexual addiction is the term used to describe any sexual activity that feels ‘out of control’. Having a very high sex drive does not make you a sex ‘addict’. Neither does engaging in specific sexual activities, having many partners, looking at porn or engaging in cyber-sex. At Relate, we think that none of these are relevant unless you do. What is relevant is if someone feels that they are engaging in any sexual activity that they can no longer control and is likely to result in harm to themselves, a partner or partners, or to family and friends.

Young people and vaping

Nicotine vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking – however, it is not risk-free. Vaping is not for children and young people, whose developing lungs and brains are more sensitive to its effects.

It’s important for young people to know the facts about vaping so they can make an informed choice. 

Space 4 U

We support 5 to 18-year-olds who are affected by someone else’s alcohol
or drug misuse. This could be a parent/carer, sibling or close friend. We
help to improve their wellbeing and resilience so they can cope better
and build stronger relationships at home, school and in the community.

Families 4 U

There are some things that we cannot change including a person’s substance use. Whilst the situation may not improve or change, we can help families work together to support each other whilst this is happening.


Cranstoun, Worcestershire works to support those over 18 that are struggling with their alcohol or drug intake. We also offer advice, support and guidance for family members and friends to cope with someone else’s substance use through our Family Support Service.