Carer Support
Across the UK today 5.7 million people are carers, supporting a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill.
Here you will find websites dedicated to providing you with support and information. Click on the logos to access their websites.
Derbyshire Carers Association
Derbyshire Carers Association recognise that the responsibility of caring for someone who cannot manage at home without help often places great physical and emotional strain upon the Carer.
Whether you care for someone for a few hours a week or for 24 hours a day, we can offer you a wide range of confidential and independent services, helping you to care.
We also campaign for better resources, help with planning of services with appropriate agencies, and liaise with organisations with similar aims.
Carers UK
Looking after someone can be a rewarding experience. It can also be tough, lonely and bewildering. But you’re not on your own. Carers UK is here to listen, to give you expert information and guidance, to champion your rights and support you in finding new ways to manage at home, at work, or wherever you are.
Carers Trust
Carers Trust works to transform the lives of unpaid carers. It partners with its network of local carer organisations to provide funding and support, deliver innovative and evidence-based programmes and raise awareness and influence policy. Carers Trust’s vision is that unpaid carers are heard and valued, with access to support, advice and resources to enable them to live fulfilled lives.
Derbyshire Young Carers
Derbyshire Young Carers Service provide support to Young Carers across the county (Not Derby City). We believe Young Carers should have the same opportunities as everyone else.
Who is a Young Carer?
Young Carers are children or young people aged 5 -16 years who provide care for one or more family members who have disabilities, long-term physical illnesses, mental health difficulties or who misuse drugs or alcohol. They may be taking on physical, personal, financial and/or emotional care.
Who is a Young Adult Carer?
A Young Adult Carer is someone aged between 16 and 25 who is responsible for the care of another person with a long term serious health condition or disability, mental health problem, alcohol or drug addiction.xt
Staffordshire Young Carers
We offer young carers practical and emotional support to provide opportunities to enjoy and achieve, just like friends and other children and young people of a similar age.
Following a young carer’s assessment, our Staffordshire Together for Carers Service will provide:
- information, advice and guidance around every part of the caring role
- someone to listen to worries and try and help
- sport/crafts/games/special school holiday activities
Citizens Advice
You can get help and support if you’re responsible for looking after someone who has a disability, is getting old or has become ill. This can range from practical help to make day-to-day life easier to benefits like Carer’s Allowance.