Child on Child Abuse Support

Child-on-Child abuse can take various forms and include serious bullying, relationship abuse, domestic violence, child sexual exploitation, harmful sexual behaviour, and/or genderbased violence. This form of abuse occurs when there is any kind of physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse or coercive control exercised between children.

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Friends and peers influence day to day decisions, even if you don’t realise it. Sometimes this can be a good thing. Maybe a friend suggested a book that’s now your favourite. Other times, they might pressure you to do things you don’t want to do. Like hurt someone else, or miss school.

Peer pressure is feeling like you have to do something just because all your friends are doing it. But it’s okay to say no and make your own choices. And we’re here to give you some tips on how to do it.

Stop It Now!

We are at the forefront of work to prevent child sexual abuse. As a child protection charity, we campaign and raise awareness across the UK to help adults to do their part to stop child sexual abuse by addressing personal, family and community concerns.

Wherever we work, we build community strength and help families to know the steps to keep their children safe from sexual abuse.

Got Your Back

If you are aged under 18, and you or one of your friends has been a victim of crime. We are here to help.