Eating Disorder Support
Eating Disorders are a complex and challenging form of mental ill health. 1.25 million people are estimated to have a diagnosed eating disorder in the UK, although the true scale of the issue is unknown.
Below are some of the charities and organisations who can help.
By clicking on the appropriate logo, you will be taken straight to the advice page.
Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity. We exist to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. Information, facts & help from those who know how to make a difference.
An eating disorder is when you have an unhealthy attitude to food, which can take over your life and make you ill.
It can involve eating too much or too little, or becoming obsessed with your weight and body shape.
But there are treatments that can help and you can recover from an eating disorder
This guideline covers assessment, treatment, monitoring and inpatient care for children, young people and adults with eating disorders. It aims to improve the care people receive by detailing the most effective treatments for anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa.